A1 Evo 1-click Audyssey Optimization Tool v3x
July 16th 24 (Custom Modified)

Preparation / Initial steps

  1. Download and install the free room correction software Room EQ Wizard (v5.42 Beta). Download link to the latest REW Beta version: here
  2. In REW under 'Preferences'/'View': Set 'Maximum measurements' to 300 and restart REW
  3. For advanced tips and the ultimate immersive audio experience, visit 'Obsessive Compulsive Audiophile' YT channel: here

Optional: Customization - Set options BEFORE uploading calibration file or just leave as it is (recommended)

End Frequency (from 100 to 10000 Hz):
*Evo will perform best with default options with the majority of set ups

How to use the script / Steps

  1. Click the 'Upload calibration' button below to browse to the Audyssey calibration file (.ady) generated by the MultEQ Editor app (iOS/Android)
  1. When prompted, 'allow' multiple file download and 'save' the .zip (measurements) and .txt (target curve) files on your computer
  2. Start REW, go to the 'EQ' / 'House Curve'. Set DropDown 'Target Type' to 'None', then navigate to and select the 'Evo3_TargetCurve.txt' file you've just saved.
  3. Open the zip file and select ALL (keyboard shortcut: "CTRL+A" for Windows / "Command+A" for Mac) the files in that folder
  4. Left click on the selection and drag & drop them onto REW. Wait until all measurements are imported and 'Optimize calibration' button is enabled
  5. In REW left column you should be seeing your Audyssey speaker measurements with increasing index numbers sorted in alphabetical order
  6. Start REW's local API (application programming interface) server - 'Preferences' / 'API' / 'Start server'
  7. Keep REW at "SPL & Phase" tab and close all REW child windows during the optimization process for a robust experience
  8. If you intend to run optimization multiple times with the same calibration: 'Save all', 'Remove all' and 'Open' saved measurements before each run
  9. When all is set, click the 'Optimize calibration' button below and sit back and relax. Your home cinema will be 'transformed' within minutes!

OCA 2024

Progress log: