Nils, du nutzt target-peak=150 und hast tone-mapping auskommentiert?
Alles anzeigen# processing fullscreen=yes profile=gpu-hq target-prim=bt.2020 #tone-mapping=bt.2390 hdr-compute-peak=yes deband=yes dither-depth=auto dither=fruit #scaling scale=ewa_lanczossharp dscale=ewa_lanczossharp #sharpen=0.5 # video output hwdec=d3d11va d3d11-exclusive-fs=yes video-output-levels=full # audio output audio-spdif=ac3,dts,dts-hd,eac3,truehd audio-exclusive=yes audio-delay=0 # audio/subtitle languages etc. alang=ger,eng sub-forced-only=yes #slang=ger,eng sub-scale=0.7 osd-font-size=30 input-media-keys=no # screenshots screenshot-format=png screenshot-directory=e:\ screenshot-template="%F-%P" # anamorphic #video-scale-y=1.31 [HDR] profile-cond=p["video-params/primaries"]=="bt.2020" target-peak=150
Ein paar Sachen habe ich auskommentiert. Sharpen und die anamorphe Vorverzerrung z.B. Der Projektor muss auf BT.2020 stehen. Ansonsten einfach die target-prim auf "BT.709" oder "DCI-P3" stellen.
Klasse, vielen Dank! Ich übernehme das jetzt einfach so 🙂
Nils, du nutzt target-peak=150 und hast tone-mapping auskommentiert?
Genau. Der Default ist bt.2390. Da ich den Modus benutze, muss ich den Parameter nicht explizit setzen.
Ok, wusste nicht, dass bt.2390 standarmäßig genutzt wird.
Ich bin bei dem Tonemapping sowieso etwas verwirrt, bei MadVR musste man das ja alles genau spezifizieren, hier rät die Anleitung explizit zu target-peak=auto
Heißt das, deine verwendete Einstellung von 150 ist nur bei dir (und deinem Beamer/Helligkeit/etc) besser oder ist das dann auch allgemeingültig?
EDIT: Vielleicht sollten wir den Thread aufteilen? Also Linux Maschinen Support etc und mpv allgemein? Oder gar noch extra mpv Tonemapping?
Heißt das, deine verwendete Einstellung von 150 ist nur bei dir (und deinem Beamer/Helligkeit/etc) besser oder ist das dann auch allgemeingültig?
Naja, allgemeingültig gibt es bei Tone Mapping ja generell nicht. Und es gibt auch Szenen bzw. Filme, in denen 150 zu hell ist und madVR besser aussieht. Probiert es einfach aus. Mehr kann man zu dem Parameter einfach nicht raten. Er ist film-, leuchtdichte- und geschmacksabhängig. Also quasi beliebig.
Ok, ich hatte es befürchtet...
"Auto" it is (vorerst)
Einfach mal auf die Fernbedienung mappen, dann kann man das pro Film bequem einstellen, ohne eine Wissenschaft draus zu machen. Ich bekomme den Parameter leider nicht dazu, pro Film nach Beenden mit "q" gespeichert zu werden.
jetzt bin ich etwas verwirrt, ist bei der Config jetzt Tonemapping an oder aus?
jetzt bin ich etwas verwirrt, ist bei der Config jetzt Tonemapping an oder aus?
Tone Mapping ist immer an. Das kann man gar nicht explizit ausstellen (wahrscheinlich ist es bei target nits = 10.000 automatisch deaktiviert).
Alles klar, also einfach Config rein und fertig? 🙂
target-peak=150Danke, so etwas hatte ich gesucht. Wobei ein expizites HDR-Flag an sich noch besser wäre.
Wenn ich nun aber versuche, meine ICC-Profile entsprechend zu laden, bekomme ich Probleme:
Code[HDR] profile-cond=p["video-params/primaries"]=="bt.2020" icc-profile=~/icc-profiles/high.icc [SDR] profile-cond=p["video-params/primaries"]~="bt.2020" icc-profile=~/icc-profiles/low.icc
haut irgendwie nicht hin. Bei HDR Content lädt mpv nun beide Profile, bei SDR Content nur SDR. Kann ich mir keinen Reim drauf machen. Die Syntax ~= sei wohl korrekt für LUA, was hier vermutlich zugrunde liegt.
Ich hötte es gerne in zwei Profilen mit Bedingungen, da es evtl. unterschiedliche Optionen geben kann, die sich nicht immer überschreiben.
haut irgendwie nicht hin.
Ja, ich hatte mit ~= auch so ein komisches Verhalten, das ich mir nicht erklären konnte. Eventuell ist das ein Fehler. Ich hab es allerdings nicht weiter untersucht, da es für mich nicht so wichtig war.
Also noch man auf deutsch, muss ich etwas ändern, ist due Config doch falsch?
Ja, ich hatte mit ~= auch so ein komisches Verhalten, das ich mir nicht erklären konnte. Eventuell ist das ein Fehler. Ich hab es allerdings nicht weiter untersucht, da es für mich nicht so wichtig war.
Ok, dann muss ich da die Tage noch mal ran.
in meinem Kino verwende ich htpc mit kodi und madvr. Cinemascope Leinwand in 2.35:1 aspect ratio.
Für KODI habe ich scope osmc skin mit 21:9
So füllt das Menü immer mein Leinwand aus.
Bildschirmauflösung 1920x1080
mit madvr kann ich das Bild oben und unten schneiden (crop Funktion) diese Kompromisse habe ich gemacht.
Bei 21:9 Filme geht 1 zu 1, bei 16:9 cropped...
Kann ich diese Funktion mit mpv auch haben?
Vom Anfang schaue ich diese Thread mit, und finde ich mehr als interessant. Gute Arbeit!
für die Win Config bin ich auch ganz offen.
Mit Windows custom Auflösung von 1920x817 habe ich dir mal was gebastelt:
Alles anzeigen--[[ This script has been modified from the original dynamic_crop to include zooming/cropping of actual picture content for scope screens you can modify the zoom/shift/crop starting line ~407 This script uses the lavfi cropdetect filter to automatically insert a crop filter with appropriate parameters for the currently playing video, the script run continuously by default (mode 4). The workflow is as follows: We observe two main events, vf-metadata and time-pos changes. vf-metadata are stored sequentially in buffer with time-pos being updated at every frame, then process to check and store trusted values to speed up future change for the current video. It will automatically crop the video as soon as a meta change is validated. Also It registers the key-binding "C" (shift+c) to control the script. The first press maintains the cropping and disables the script, a second pressure eliminates the cropping and a third pressure is necessary to restart the script. - Mode = 1-2, single cropping on demand, stays active until a valid cropping is apply. - Mode = 3-4, enable / disable continuous cropping. The default options can be overridden by adding script-opts-append=<script_name>-<parameter>=<value> into mpv.conf script-opts-append=dynamic_crop-mode=0 script-opts-append=dynamic_crop-ratios=2.4 2.39 2 4/3 (quotes aren't needed like below) List of available parameters (For default values, see <options>): prevent_change_mode: [0-2] - 0 any, 1 keep-largest, 2 keep-lowest - The prevent_change_timer is trigger after a change, to disable this, set prevent_change_timer to 0. resize_windowed: [true/false] - False, prevents the window from being resized, but always applies cropping, this function always avoids the default behavior to resize the window at the source size, in windowed/maximized mode. segmentation: % [0.0-n] e.g. 0.5 for 50% - Extra time to allow new metadata to be segmented instead of being continuous. By default, new_known_ratio_timer is validated with 5 sec accumulated over 7.5 sec elapsed and new_fallback_timer with 20 sec accumulated over 30 sec elapsed. to disable this, set 0. correction: % [0.0-1] e.g. 0.6 for 60% - Size minimum of collected meta (in percent based on source), to attempt a correction. to disable this, set 1. ]] -- require "mp.msg" require "mp.options" local options = { -- behavior mode = 4, -- [0-4] 0 disable, 1 on-demand, 2 single-start, 3 auto-manual, 4 auto-start start_delay = 0, -- delay in seconds used to skip intro (usefull with mode 2) prevent_change_timer = 0, -- seconds prevent_change_mode = 2, -- [0-2], disable with 'prevent_change_timer = 0' resize_windowed = true, fast_change_timer = 3, -- seconds new_known_ratio_timer = 0.5, -- seconds new_fallback_timer = 20, -- seconds, >= 'new_known_ratio_timer', disable with 0 ratios = "2.4 2.39 2.35 2.2 2 1.85 16/9", -- list separated by space --ratios = "2.4 2.39 2.35 2.2 2 1.85 16/9 5/3 1.5 4/3 1.25 9/16", -- list separated by space ratios_extra_px = 2, -- even number, pixel added to check with the ratios list and offsets segmentation = 0.5, -- %, 0 will approved only a continuous metadata (strict) correction = 0.6, -- %, -- TODO auto value with trusted meta -- filter, see for details detect_limit = 20, -- is the maximum use, increase it slowly if lighter black are present detect_round = 2, -- even number detect_reset = 1, -- minimum 1 detect_skip = 1, -- minimum 1, default 2 (new ffmpeg build since 12/2020) crop16_9 = 1, -- 0 = crop/zoom 16:9 to your scope screen scope_ratio = 2.4, -- your scope screen ratio -- verbose debug = false } read_options(options) if options.mode == 0 then"mode = 0, disable script.") return end -- forward declaration local cleanup, on_toggle local applied, buffer, collected, last_collected, limit, source, stats -- label local label_prefix = mp.get_script_name() local labels = { crop = string.format("%s-crop", label_prefix), cropdetect = string.format("%s-cropdetect", label_prefix) } -- state (boolean) local in_progress, seeking, paused, toggled, filter_missing, filter_inserted -- option local time_pos = {} local prevent_change_timer = options.prevent_change_timer * 1000 local fast_change_timer = options.fast_change_timer * 1000 local new_known_ratio_timer = options.new_known_ratio_timer * 1000 local new_fallback_timer = options.new_fallback_timer * 1000 local fallback = new_fallback_timer >= new_known_ratio_timer local cropdetect_skip = string.format(":skip=%d", options.detect_skip) local zoomed = false local zoomed169 = false local function is_trusted_offset(offset, axis) for _, v in pairs(stats.trusted_offset[axis]) do if math.abs(offset - v) <= options.ratios_extra_px then return true end end return false end local function is_filter_present(label) local filters = mp.get_property_native("vf") for _, filter in pairs(filters) do if filter["label"] == label then return true end end return false end local function is_cropable() for _, track in pairs(mp.get_property_native('track-list')) do if track.type == 'video' and track.selected then return not track.albumart end end return false end local function remove_filter(label) if is_filter_present(label) then mp.command(string.format("no-osd vf remove @%s", label)) end end local function insert_cropdetect_filter() if toggled or paused or seeking then return end -- "vf pre" cropdetect / "vf append" crop, in a proper order local function command() return mp.command(string.format("no-osd vf pre @%s:lavfi-cropdetect=limit=%d/255:round=%d:reset=%d%s", labels.cropdetect, limit.current, options.detect_round, options.detect_reset, cropdetect_skip)) end if not command() then cropdetect_skip = "" if not command() then mp.msg.error("Does vf=help as #1 line in mvp.conf return libavfilter list with crop/cropdetect in log?") filter_missing = true cleanup() return end end filter_inserted = true end local function compute_meta(meta) meta.whxy = string.format("w=%s:h=%s:x=%s:y=%s", meta.w, meta.h, meta.x, meta.y) meta.offset = {x = meta.x - (source.w - meta.w) / 2, y = meta.y - (source.h - meta.h) / 2}, meta.mb,, = meta.y, source.h - meta.h - meta.y, meta.x, source.w - meta.w - meta.x meta.is_source = meta.whxy == source.whxy meta.is_invalid = meta.h < 0 or meta.w < 0 meta.is_trusted_offsets = is_trusted_offset(meta.offset.x, "x") and is_trusted_offset(meta.offset.y, "y") meta.time = {buffer = 0, overall = 0} -- check aspect ratio with the known list if not meta.is_invalid and meta.w >= source.w * .9 or meta.h >= source.h * .9 then for ratio in string.gmatch(options.ratios, "%S+%s?") do for a, b in string.gmatch(ratio, "(%d+)/(%d+)") do ratio = a / b end local height = math.floor((meta.w * 1 / ratio) + .5) if math.abs(height - meta.h) <= options.ratios_extra_px + 1 then -- ratios_extra_px + 1 for odd meta meta.is_known_ratio = true break end end end return meta end local function osd_size_change(orientation) local prop_maximized = mp.get_property("window-maximized") local prop_fullscreen = mp.get_property("fullscreen") local osd = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions") if prop_fullscreen == "no" then -- keep window width or height to avoid reset to source size when cropping if prop_maximized == "yes" or not options.resize_windowed then mp.set_property("geometry", string.format("%sx%s", osd.w, osd.h)) else if orientation then mp.set_property("geometry", string.format("%s", osd.w)) else mp.set_property("geometry", string.format("x%s", osd.h)) end end end end local function print_debug(meta, type_, label) if options.debug then if type_ == "detail" then print(string.format("%s, %s | Offset X:%s Y:%s | limit:%s", label, meta.whxy, meta.offset.x, meta.offset.y, limit.current)) end if not type_ then print(meta) end end if type_ == "stats" and stats and stats.trusted then"Meta Stats:") local read_maj_offset = {x = "", y = ""} for axis, _ in pairs(read_maj_offset) do for _, v in pairs(stats.trusted_offset[axis]) do read_maj_offset[axis] = read_maj_offset[axis] .. v .. " " end end"Trusted Offset - X:%s| Y:%s", read_maj_offset.x, read_maj_offset.y)) for whxy, table_ in pairs(stats.trusted) do if stats.trusted[whxy] then"%s | offX=%s offY=%s | applied=%s overall=%s last_seen=%s", whxy, table_.offset.x, table_.offset.y, table_.applied, table_.time.overall / 1000, table_.time.last_seen / 1000)) end end"Buffer - total: " .. buffer.index_total, buffer.time_total / 1000 .. "sec, unique_meta: " .. buffer.unique_meta .. " | known_ratio:", buffer.index_known_ratio, buffer.time_known / 1000 .. "sec") if options.debug and stats.buffer then for whxy, table_ in pairs(stats.buffer) do"- %s | offX=%s offY=%s | time.buffer=%ssec known_ratio=%s", whxy, table_.offset.x, table_.offset.y, table_.time.buffer / 1000, table_.is_known_ratio)) end for pos, table_ in pairs(buffer.ordered) do"-- %s %s", pos, table_[1].whxy)) end end end end local function is_trusted_margin(whxy) local data = {count = 0} for _, axis in pairs({"mt", "mb", "ml", "mr"}) do data[axis] = math.abs(collected[axis] - stats.trusted[whxy][axis]) if data[axis] == 0 then data.count = data.count + 1 end end return data end local function adjust_limit(meta) local limit_current = limit.current if meta.is_source then -- increase limit limit.change = 1 if limit.current + limit.step * limit.up <= options.detect_limit then limit.current = limit.current + limit.step * limit.up else limit.current = options.detect_limit end elseif not meta.is_invalid and -- stable limit (last_collected == collected or last_collected and math.abs(collected.w - last_collected.w) <= 2 and math.abs(collected.h - last_collected.h) <= 2) then -- math.abs <= 2 to help stabilize odd metadata limit.change = 0 else -- decrease limit limit.change = -1 if limit.current > 0 then if limit.current - limit.step >= 0 then limit.current = limit.current - limit.step else limit.current = 0 end end end return limit_current ~= limit.current end local function check_stability(current_) local found if not current_.is_source and stats.trusted[current_.whxy] then for _, table_ in pairs(stats.trusted) do if current_ ~= table_ and (not found and table_.time.overall > current_.time.overall * 1.1 or found and table_.time.overall > found.time.overall * 1.1) and math.abs(current_.w - table_.w) <= 4 and math.abs(current_.h - table_.h) <= 4 then found = table_ end end end return found end local function time_to_cleanup_buffer(time_1, time_2) return time_1 > time_2 * (1 + options.segmentation) end local function process_metadata(event, time_pos_) in_progress = true -- prevent event race local elapsed_time = time_pos_ - time_pos.insert print_debug(collected, "detail", "Collected") time_pos.insert = time_pos_ -- init stats.buffer[whxy] if not stats.buffer[collected.whxy] then stats.buffer[collected.whxy] = collected buffer.unique_meta = buffer.unique_meta + 1 end -- add collected meta to the buffer if buffer.index_total == 0 or buffer.ordered[buffer.index_total][1] ~= collected then table.insert(buffer.ordered, {collected, elapsed_time}) buffer.index_total = buffer.index_total + 1 buffer.index_known_ratio = buffer.index_known_ratio + 1 elseif last_collected == collected then buffer.ordered[buffer.index_total][2] = buffer.ordered[buffer.index_total][2] + elapsed_time end collected.time.overall = collected.time.overall + elapsed_time collected.time.buffer = collected.time.buffer + elapsed_time buffer.time_total = buffer.time_total + elapsed_time if buffer.index_known_ratio > 0 then buffer.time_known = buffer.time_known + elapsed_time end -- add new offset to trusted_offset list if stats.buffer[collected.whxy] and fallback and collected.time.buffer >= new_fallback_timer then local add_new_offset = {} for _, axis in pairs({"x", "y"}) do add_new_offset[axis] = not collected.is_invalid and not is_trusted_offset(collected.offset[axis], axis) if add_new_offset[axis] then table.insert(stats.trusted_offset[axis], collected.offset[axis]) end end end -- reset last_seen before correction if stats.trusted[collected.whxy] and collected.time.last_seen < 0 then collected.time.last_seen = 0 end -- correction with trusted meta for fast change in dark/ambiguous scene local corrected if not collected.is_invalid and not stats.trusted[collected.whxy] and (collected.w > source.w * options.correction and collected.h > source.h * options.correction) then -- find closest meta already applied local closest, in_between = {}, false for whxy in pairs(stats.trusted) do local diff = is_trusted_margin(whxy) -- check if we have the same position between two sets of margin if closest.whxy and closest.whxy ~= whxy and diff.count == closest.count and math.abs( - diff.mb) == math.abs( - closest.mb) and math.abs( - == math.abs( - then in_between = true break end if not closest.whxy and diff.count >= 2 or closest.whxy and diff.count >= closest.count and + diff.mb <= + closest.mb and + <= + then, closest.mb,, =, diff.mb,, closest.count, closest.whxy = diff.count, whxy end end -- check if the corrected data is already applied if closest.whxy and not in_between and closest.whxy ~= applied.whxy then corrected = stats.trusted[closest.whxy] end end -- use corrected metadata as main data local current = collected if corrected then current = corrected end -- stabilization of odd/unstable meta local stabilized = check_stability(current) if stabilized then current = stabilized print_debug(current, "detail", "\\ Stabilized") elseif corrected then print_debug(current, "detail", "\\ Corrected") end -- cycle last_seen for whxy, table_ in pairs(stats.trusted) do if whxy ~= current.whxy then if table_.time.last_seen > 0 then table_.time.last_seen = 0 end table_.time.last_seen = table_.time.last_seen - elapsed_time else if table_.time.last_seen < 0 then table_.time.last_seen = 0 end table_.time.last_seen = table_.time.last_seen + elapsed_time end end -- last check before add a new meta as trusted local new_ready = stats.buffer[collected.whxy] and (collected.is_known_ratio and collected.time.buffer >= new_known_ratio_timer or fallback and not collected.is_known_ratio and collected.time.buffer >= new_fallback_timer) local detect_source = current.is_source and (not corrected and last_collected == collected and limit.change == 1 or current.time.last_seen >= fast_change_timer) local confirmation = not current.is_source and (stats.trusted[current.whxy] and current.time.last_seen >= fast_change_timer or new_ready) local crop_filter = not collected.is_invalid and applied.whxy ~= current.whxy and is_trusted_offset(current.offset.x, "x") and is_trusted_offset(current.offset.y, "y") and (confirmation or detect_source) local ratio = current.w / current.h local command_prefix = "no-osd" local cropdbg = 0 -- mp.osd_message(string.format("crop %s %s %s %s", new_ready, detect_source, confirmation, crop_filter) ,3) -- apply crop if crop_filter or detect_source then local already_stable if stats.trusted[current.whxy] then current.applied = current.applied + 1 else -- add the metadata to the trusted list stats.trusted[current.whxy] = current current.applied, current.time.last_seen = 1, current.time.buffer current.is_trusted_offsets = true --if check_stability(current) then already_stable, current.applied = true, 0 end already_stable = true current.applied = 0 end if not already_stable then if not time_pos.prevent or time_pos_ >= time_pos.prevent then osd_size_change(current.w > current.h) mp.command(string.format("no-osd vf append @%s:lavfi-crop=%s", labels.crop, current.whxy)) print_debug(string.format("- Apply: %s", current.whxy)) if prevent_change_timer > 0 then time_pos.prevent = nil if (options.prevent_change_mode == 1 and (current.w > applied.w or current.h > applied.h) or options.prevent_change_mode == 2 and (current.w < applied.w or current.h < applied.h) or options.prevent_change_mode == 0) then time_pos.prevent = time_pos_ + prevent_change_timer end end -- 1.9:1 if ratio >= 1.89 and ratio <= 1.91 then zoomed = true zoomed169 = false if cropdbg == 1 then mp.osd_message("1.9 crop" ,1) end mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x 1.263", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y 1.12", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.51", command_prefix )) end -- 2:1 if ratio >= 1.99 and ratio <= 2.01 then zoomed = true zoomed169 = false if cropdbg == 1 then mp.osd_message("2 crop" ,1) end mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x 1.2", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y 1.15", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.505", command_prefix )) end -- 2.2:1 if ratio >= 2.19 and ratio <= 2.21 then zoomed = true zoomed169 = false if cropdbg == 1 then mp.osd_message("2.2 crop" ,1) end mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x 1.092", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y 1.105", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.5", command_prefix )) end -- 2.3:1 and higher if ratio >= 2.3 then zoomed169 = false if cropdbg == 1 then mp.osd_message("2.3 crop" ,1) end mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x %s", command_prefix, options.scope_ratio/ratio )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y %s", command_prefix, options.scope_ratio/ratio )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.5", command_prefix )) end if options.crop16_9 == 1 then if ratio > 1.76 and ratio < 1.78 and zoomed169 == false then zoomed169 = true if cropdbg == 1 then mp.osd_message("16/9 crop" ,1) end mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x %s", command_prefix , options.scope_ratio/1.77777 )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y %s", command_prefix , options.scope_ratio/1.77777 * 0.95)) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.51",command_prefix )) end -- ratios to reset video scaling if ratio < 1.76 and zoomed then zoomed = false zoomed169 = false if cropdbg == 1 then mp.osd_message("16/9 uncrop" ,1) end mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x 1", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y 1", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.5",command_prefix )) end else -- ratios to reset video scaling if ratio < 1.89 and zoomed then zoomed = false zoomed169 = false if cropdbg == 1 then mp.osd_message("16/9 uncrop" ,1) end mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x 1", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y 1", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.5",command_prefix )) end end end applied = current if options.mode < 3 then on_toggle(true) end end end -- cleanup buffer while time_to_cleanup_buffer(buffer.time_known, new_known_ratio_timer) do local position = (buffer.index_total + 1) - buffer.index_known_ratio buffer.time_known = buffer.time_known - buffer.ordered[position][2] buffer.index_known_ratio = buffer.index_known_ratio - 1 end local buffer_timer = new_fallback_timer if not fallback then buffer_timer = new_known_ratio_timer end local function proactive_cleanup() -- start to cleanup if too much unique meta are present return buffer.time_total > buffer.time_known and buffer.unique_meta > buffer.index_total * (buffer_timer * options.segmentation / (buffer_timer * (1 + options.segmentation))) + 1 end while time_to_cleanup_buffer(buffer.time_total, buffer_timer) or proactive_cleanup() do local ref = buffer.ordered[1][1] ref.time.buffer = ref.time.buffer - buffer.ordered[1][2] if stats.buffer[ref.whxy] and ref.time.buffer == 0 then stats.buffer[ref.whxy] = nil buffer.unique_meta = buffer.unique_meta - 1 end buffer.time_total = buffer.time_total - buffer.ordered[1][2] buffer.index_total = buffer.index_total - 1 table.remove(buffer.ordered, 1) end -- auto limit local b_adjust_limit = adjust_limit(current) last_collected = collected if b_adjust_limit then insert_cropdetect_filter() end end local function update_time_pos(_, time_pos_) -- time_pos_ is %.3f if not time_pos_ then return end time_pos.prev = time_pos.current time_pos.current = math.floor(time_pos_ * 1000) if not time_pos.insert then time_pos.insert = time_pos.current end if in_progress or not collected.whxy or not time_pos.prev or filter_inserted or seeking or paused or toggled or time_pos_ < options.start_delay then return end process_metadata("time_pos", time_pos.current) collectgarbage("step") in_progress = false end local function collect_metadata(_, table_) -- check the new metadata for availability and change if table_ and table_["lavfi.cropdetect.w"] and table_["lavfi.cropdetect.h"] then local tmp = { w = tonumber(table_["lavfi.cropdetect.w"]), h = tonumber(table_["lavfi.cropdetect.h"]), x = tonumber(table_["lavfi.cropdetect.x"]), y = tonumber(table_["lavfi.cropdetect.y"]) } tmp.whxy = string.format("w=%s:h=%s:x=%s:y=%s", tmp.w, tmp.h, tmp.x, tmp.y) time_pos.insert = time_pos.current if tmp.whxy ~= collected.whxy then -- use known table if exists or compute meta if stats.trusted[tmp.whxy] then collected = stats.trusted[tmp.whxy] elseif stats.buffer[tmp.whxy] then collected = stats.buffer[tmp.whxy] else collected = compute_meta(tmp) end end filter_inserted = false end end local function observe_main_events(observe) if observe then mp.observe_property(string.format("vf-metadata/%s", labels.cropdetect), "native", collect_metadata) mp.observe_property("time-pos", "number", update_time_pos) insert_cropdetect_filter() else mp.unobserve_property(update_time_pos) mp.unobserve_property(collect_metadata) remove_filter(labels.cropdetect) end end local function seek(name) print_debug(string.format("Stop by %s event.", name)) observe_main_events(false) time_pos, collected = {}, {} end local function resume(name) print_debug(string.format("Resume by %s event.", name)) observe_main_events(true) end local function seek_event(event, id, error) seeking = true if not paused then print_debug(string.format("Stop by %s event.", event["event"])) time_pos, collected = {}, {} end end local function resume_event(event, id, error) if not paused then print_debug(string.format("Resume by %s event.", event["event"])) end seeking = false end function on_toggle(auto) if filter_missing then mp.osd_message("Libavfilter cropdetect missing", 3) return end if is_filter_present(labels.crop) and not is_filter_present(labels.cropdetect) then remove_filter(labels.crop) applied = source return end if not toggled then seek("toggle") if not auto then mp.osd_message(string.format("%s paused.", label_prefix), 3) end toggled = true mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x 1", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y 1", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.5",command_prefix )) else toggled = false resume("toggle") if not auto then mp.osd_message(string.format("%s resumed.", label_prefix), 3) end end end local function pause(_, bool) if bool then seek("pause") print_debug(nil, "stats") paused = true else paused = false if not toggled then resume("unpause") end end end function cleanup() if not paused then print_debug(nil, "stats") end"Cleanup.") -- unregister events observe_main_events(false) mp.unobserve_property(osd_size_change) mp.unregister_event(seek_event) mp.unregister_event(resume_event) mp.unobserve_property(pause) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-x 1", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-scale-y 1", command_prefix )) mp.command(string.format("%s set video-align-y 0.5",command_prefix )) -- remove existing filters for _, label in pairs(labels) do remove_filter(label) end end local function on_start() remove_filter(labels.crop)"File loaded.") if not is_cropable() then mp.msg.warn("Exit, only works for videos.") return end -- init/re-init source, buffer, limit and other data local w, h = mp.get_property_number("width"), mp.get_property_number("height") buffer = {ordered = {}, time_total = 0, time_known = 0, index_total = 0, index_known_ratio = 0, unique_meta = 0} limit = {current = options.detect_limit, step = 1, up = 2} collected, stats = {}, {trusted = {}, buffer = {}, trusted_offset = {x = {}, y = {}}} source = { w = math.floor(w / options.detect_round) * options.detect_round, h = math.floor(h / options.detect_round) * options.detect_round } source.x, source.y = (w - source.w) / 2, (h - source.h) / 2 source = compute_meta(source) stats.trusted_offset = {x = {source.offset.x}, y = {source.offset.y}} source.applied, source.time.last_seen = 1, 0 applied, stats.trusted[source.whxy] = source, source time_pos.current = mp.get_property_number("time-pos") -- register events mp.observe_property("osd-dimensions", "native", osd_size_change) mp.register_event("seek", seek_event) mp.register_event("playback-restart", resume_event) mp.observe_property("pause", "bool", pause) if options.mode % 2 == 1 then on_toggle(true) end end mp.add_key_binding("C", "toggle_crop", on_toggle) mp.register_event("end-file", cleanup) mp.register_event("file-loaded", on_start)
Das ist eine modifizierte Version vom dynamic_crop script für dich zum testen.
Du kannst die Art der Modifizierung selber anpassen - ab ca. Zeile 452.
Es beschneidet/vergrößert/verschiebt das Bild so, dass du keine schwarzen Balken mehr hast (momentan bei 16:9, 1.9:1 2:1 2.2:1 und alles größer als 2.3:1 - du kannst dir selber weitere Formate hinzufügen, wenn nötig).
Edit: kleine Bugfixes
Das Script muss man in C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\mpv\scripts\ abspeichern als "dynymic_crop.lua" (Windows)
oder entsprechenden Ordner in Linux (~/.config/mpv/scripts/).
In der Haupt config mpv.conf sollte bei der hwdec option ein-copy hinzugefügt werden z.B.
oder ähnliches
Das sollte dann automatisch funktionieren. Falls es sich komisch verhält, kannst du es mit Shift+C aus-/einschalten.
Ich croppe selber bei 16:9 nicht.
Erst ab 1.9:1 und dafür setze ich die Option "crop16_9 = 0" die ich hinzugefügt habe (Zeile ~61)
Viel Spaß beim Basteln -
Wie macht Ihr das denn jetzt mit den refresh-Rate umschalten? Ich habe dazu dies gefunden.
Das Script muss man in C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\mpv\scripts\ abspeichern als "dynymic_crop.lua" (Windows)
oder entsprechenden Ordner in Linux (~/.config/mpv/scripts/).
In der Haupt config mpv.conf sollte bei der hwdec option ein-copy hinzugefügt werden z.B.
oder ähnliches
Das sollte dann automatisch funktionieren. Falls es sich komisch verhält, kannst du es mit Shift+C aus-/einschalten.
Ich croppe selber bei 16:9 nicht.
Erst ab 1.9:1 und dafür setze ich die Option "crop16_9 = 0" die ich hinzugefügt habe (Zeile ~61)
Viel Spaß beim Bastelndanke, aber der Ordner C:\Users\Chantico\AppData\Roaming\mpv existiert zwar, ist aber leer. Wo ist denn diese Config, von der hier alle schreiben?
Leute so langsam verliere ich komplett die Übersicht. Wir brauchen glaube ich dringend ein wiki für alles, was über die Grundinsralöation hinaus geht. Wie könnten wir das angehen? Eventuell ein Google Doc auf das die entsprechenden Contributoren Zugriff haben? Alternativ biete ich auch gern an das zu pflegen, brauche aber dann jeweils euren gesammelten Input.
Wie sehr ihr das?
Jetzt mitmachen!
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