Dirac Einmessung - Tipps & Tricks, Fragen, Diskussion

  • Also ich handhabe das so das ich die Lautstärke am AVR auf die Lautstärke aufdrehe auf der ich auch wirklich 95% höre. Dann drehe ich den MIC level soweit hoch das ich bei ca. 25db auf jedem Kanal habe. Das Ergebnis ist bei mir einwandfrei.

    Ich würd da keine Raketenwissenschaft draus machen ;). Das Video was ich mal verlinkt hatte ein paar post vorher ist wirklich sehr gut. Da handhaben die das glaube ich auch so. Schon etwas her das ich das geschaut habe

  • In Dirac stelle ich den AVR auf -20 und das UMIK auf +20 dann belasse ich den leisesten LS bei 0db und den Rest ziehen ich entsprechend runter.

    Dabei lande ich bei ca. -30db pro Kanal.

    Auf welcher Einstellung steht denn deine E4 ?

    Die stehen alle bei 1 Uhr. Die Pegelanpassung im Denon nach Dirac (nach Audyssey auch) passt ja. Alle Kanäle liegen bei -1dB bis +2dB.

    Ich habe es gestern Abend noch einmal mit dem SPL-Meter verglichen. Mic Gain auf +30 entspricht +-2 dB dem SPL-Meter Wert. Also mach ich mir da wohl zuviel Gedanken.

  • Dirac Live 3.12.2 // 2025-01-30


    • None

    Bug fixes

    • Security and stability updates.

    Known Issues

    • Filter export to devices from Onkyo/Integra/Pioneer take longer time than usual, but it eventually completes.
    • Processing progress percentage can in some situations jump backwards. This doesn’t indicate that there is a problem with the processing itself. It is only the calculation of the progress that needs fixing.






  • Hab mir heute ein Umik 1 besorgt und mit dem Laptop eingemessen.

    Im Anhang die Bilder der Lautsprechermessung. (hoffe das passt so) Onkyo 7100

    Nun hab ich ja im letzten Beitrag etwas gepostet bekommen von Zielkurven.

    Hab mir mal die Harman +6DB runterheladen.

    Nur wie und wo kann ich die in der Diracanwendung einfügen (importieren)?

    Finde da irgendwie keine Option?

    Kann mir da jemand helfen?






  • Neue Beta 3.13.1 vom 14.2. erhältlich:

    Changes listed are relative to the latest public stable release.


    • ART support range sliders now take precedence over the detected range of a speaker.

      -In cases where there is no subwoofer used as support speaker, ART filter designs could sometimes result in undesirable magnitude boosts at frequencies between the speaker’s detected low cut-off and the user’s selected low end of the ART support range.

      -The workaround has been to manually adjust the advanced target curve to not “ask for” more bass than the available supporting speakers can provide.

      -The updated functionality will instead use the selected low end of the ART support range to limit, or contain, the magnitude boost applied by the ART filter design. Therefore, it will not longer be necessary to adjust the advanced target curve to achieve a “reasonable” ART filter design.
    • ART will set the default low end of the ART support range to the actually detected range instead of capping it at a minimum of 50 Hz for non-subwoofer speakers.
    • The LFE group in ART now uses a non-subwoofer speaker to define its time target.
    • ART utilizes the measured wavefront propagation of the main speaker in each microphone position to define the time target response for that channel.
    • For the LFE channel, ART utilized the first subwoofer in the LFE group as main speaker for the LFE channel. However, this has two drawbacks:
    1. The main peak in a subwoofer’s impulse response can sometimes be difficult to detect. In cases where the detection has failed in one or more microphone positions, the resulting target may not represent a desired wavefront propagation.
    2. When multiple subwoofers are used, then ART may “unfairly” assign too much power to the first subwoofer, due to its measured capability to contribute more effectively to attaining the target (which was defined by its measured response) than the other subwoofers.
    • The updated functionality will use a full-range speaker to define the time target for the LFE channel.

      -If there is a Center speaker, ART will try to identify it and use it as target.

      -If a Center speaker cannot be certainly identified, then ART will use either the Front Left or the Front Right speaker as target.

      -The advanced ART settings for the LFE channel group has a drop-down menu to let the user manually override the automatic selection.
    • When Dirac is handling bass management (BM, BC, ART), the LFE channel will always have a low-pass filter applied at 120 Hz. This is to comply with LFE channel handling requirements and be consistent with the Dirac Live Bass Control (DLBC) behaviour.
    • ART now supports the case where some speakers are excluded from supporting other speakers. However, they may still receive support from other speakers when they are enabled.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixing a few issues related to measurements taken while an AVR was on an older firmware and using them for filter design and filter export to the same AVR with an upgraded firmware:

      -Dirac Live could crash when clicking the Bass Management filter design option.

      -Bass Control filter design could fail with a message “Malformed request”.

      -Filter export could fail with an error message “Failed filter export”.
    • Fixed an issue where Dirac Live could crash when calculating a Bass Control filter with a narrowband subwoofer.
    • Fixed an issue where Dirac Live could silently fail to load an older ART project, showing no measurements in the filter design page.
    • Reduced the time it takes to export a filter to Onkyo/Integra/Pioneer devices. This was more an optimisation than a bug fix.
    • Fixed an issue where an offer to upgrade a license to ART wasn’t shown when connected to a device supporting ART.
    • Adjusted the LFE low-pass filter cut-off frequency in Bass Control to be -3dB at 120Hz. It was previously erroneously set to -6dB at 120Hz.

    Known issues

    • Processing progress percentage can in some situations jump backwards. This doesn’t indicate that there is a problem with the processing itself. It is only the calculation of the progress that needs fixing.
    • Windows installer not signed properly.


    macOS: https://artifacts.connect.dira…ve-v3.13.1-beta-setup.zip

    Windows: https://artifacts.connect.dira…ve-v3.13.1-beta-setup.exe

  • Irgendwie versteh ich nicht was da steht😂

    Was ist ART?

    Habe mit der aktuellen Version 3....eingemessen

    Im Menü der Software „Zielkurve laden“. Da musst du dann nur noch aussuchen, für welche Lautsprecher-Gruppe oder für alle.

    Lieben Gruß


    Kann ich nicht finden, schau da morgen noch mal.

  • „The updated functionality will use a full-range speaker to define the time target for the LFE channel.

    Was ist denn damit gemeint? Was ein Vollbereichslautsprecher ist, ist mir schon klar. Aber Dirac misst die doch immer im Vollbereich.

  • Die Version scheint zumind. mit STORMAUDIO Probleme zu machen:

  • Dirac Live 3.13.2 // 2025-02-28


    • ART support range sliders now take precedence over the detected range of a speaker.
      • In cases where there is no subwoofer used as support speaker, ART filter designs could sometimes result in undesirable magnitude boosts at frequencies between the speaker’s detected low cut-off and the user’s selected low end of the ART support range.
      • The workaround has been to manually adjust the advanced target curve to not “ask for” more bass than the available supporting speakers can provide.
      • The updated functionality will instead use the selected low end of the ART support range to limit, or contain, the magnitude boost applied by the ART filter design. Therefore, it will not longer be necessary to adjust the advanced target curve to achieve a “reasonable” ART filter design.
    • The LFE group in ART now uses a non-subwoofer speaker to define its time target.
      • ART utilizes the measured wavefront propagation of the main speaker in each microphone position to define the time target response for that channel.
      • For the LFE channel, ART utilized the first subwoofer in the LFE group as main speaker for the LFE channel. However, this has two drawbacks:
        • The main peak in a subwoofer’s impulse response can sometimes be difficult to detect. In cases where the detection has failed in one or more microphone positions, the resulting target may not represent a desired wavefront propagation.
        • When multiple subwoofers are used, then ART may “unfairly” assign too much power to the first subwoofer, due to its measured capability to contribute more effectively to attaining the target (which was defined by its measured response) than the other subwoofers.
      • The updated functionality will use a full-range speaker to define the time target for the LFE channel.
        • If there is a Center speaker, ART will try to identify it and use it as target.
        • If a Center speaker cannot be certainly identified, then ART will use either the Front Left or the Front Right speaker as target.
        • The advanced ART settings for the LFE channel group has a drop-down menu to let the user manually override the automatic selection.
    • When Dirac is handling bass management (BM, BC, ART), the LFE channel will always have a low-pass filter applied at 120 Hz. This is to comply with LFE channel handling requirements and be consistent with the Dirac Live Bass Control (DLBC) behaviour.
    • ART now supports the case where some speakers are excluded from supporting other speakers. However, they may still receive support from other speakers when they are enabled.
    • Reduced the time it takes to export a filter to Onkyo/Integra/Pioneer devices.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixing a few issues related to measurements taken while an AVR was on an older firmware and using them for filter design and filter export to the same AVR with an upgraded firmware:
      • Dirac Live could crash when clicking the Bass Management filter design option.
      • Bass Control filter design could fail with a message “Malformed request”.
      • Filter export could fail with an error message “Failed filter export”.
    • Fixed an issue where Dirac Live could crash when calculating a Bass Control filter with a narrowband subwoofer.
    • Fixed an issue where Dirac Live could crash at the end of ART preprocessing for a 2.1 system.
    • Fixed an issue where Dirac Live could silently fail to load an older ART project, showing no measurements in the filter design page.
    • Fixed an issue where loading a stored Dirac Live filter design snapshot would put the filter design in a wrong state - as if it had a completed filter design, which it didn’t. An attempt to export that filter design to the device would fail.
    • Fixed an issue where an offer to upgrade a license to ART wasn’t shown when connected to a device supporting ART.
    • Adjusted the LFE low-pass filter cut-off frequency in Bass Control to be -3dB at 120Hz. It was previously erroneously set to -6dB at 120Hz.
    • Fixed an issue where the Bass Control subwoofer impulse response plots were not properly scaled, almost appearing as having zero amplitude (flat).
    • Fixed an issue in the Filter Export page where the text input box for the filter name would sometimes lose focus while typing.
    • Missing/wrong signing for the previous beta releases has been fixed.
    • Other minor bug fixes and under-the-hood stabilizations.

    Known Issues

    • The animations in the Dirac Live UI during measurements have been temporarily disabled. This is because we have found that the animations cause high CPU load on some computers, both PCs and Macs, resulting in audio buffer loss in the measurements. The measurement progress can be followed in the progress percentage, which is still displayed.
    • Processing progress percentage can in some situations jump backwards. This doesn’t indicate that there is a problem with the processing itself. It is only the calculation of the progress that needs fixing.






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