Trinnov Altitude - Deviations of Subwoofer Settings and Results (English preferred)

  • In the last weeks in this forum several cases of deviations of REW measurements to the target curves settings in the subwoofer frequency range have been reported.

    This thread is foreseen to collect these reports.

    To make it as easy as possible for Trinnov support to understand the issues it is preferred that the we use english language.

    It is not important to use most sophisticated english language, as long as it is clear and understandable it is okay.

    If you are unfamiliar with english language you can use google translate.

    Please notice:

    The goal of this thread is to collect systematic data that will enable Trinnov support to fix the issues.

    So please stay friendly and constructive in your postings.

  • Hallo zusammen,

    auch nochmal von unserer Seite dazu:

    Wir wurden von Trinnov gebeten mitzuteilen, dass dieser und der andere Thread sehr wohl von Trinnov gelesen werden und sie an den angesprochenen Themen arbeiten.

    Die Bitte ist, sich bei Problemen direkt an sie zu wenden statt sich selber vermeintliche Lösungen zusammenzureimen und möglicherweise zu wenig hilfreichen Schlüssen zu kommen.



  • Level Alignment equalises Output Equalizers and Target Curves, generates sharp frequency drops:

    When the level Alignment is activated, the target curves and equaliser output settings are not implemented correctly.

    In addition, sharp level reductions are generated at approx. 65hz, for example.

    This Target Curve:

    Shows at the Optimizer (comparsion with an "All Zero" Flat TC:

    Generate this Output:

    With more maxBoost:

    The same, with the output EQ:

    Generate this:

    With lowered Level Alignment, +3dB and -3dB:

    A little more Bass Gain, no sharp Drop at 70hz.

    Here another Comparsion, TargetCurve like above, +10dB BassBoost
    Optimizer full on: Green

    Only with Level Alignment: Orange

    Optimizer Acustic Correction ON, Delay Alignment ON, Level Alignment off: Green:


    With Level Alignment On, TargetCurves and Output EQs will be equalized, most time with sharp Frequency Drops (in my case most at about 70hz).

    With Level Alignment Off, all works well. TargetCurves will be done like drawn, Output EQs works well, no Frequency Drops.

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