Beiträge von Dell
Entschuldigung, Sie haben Recht, ich entschuldige mich
You shouldn't be so scared...
My dealer wanted to come by in May, June. Then I can tell you the final results.
But, as already mentioned, purely from my perception I could not detect any loss of contrast.
Was mache ich mir Sorgen?
Entschuldigung, Sie haben Recht, ich entschuldige mich
Any further updates on on/off contrast measurements after 12 months or more?
Yesterday I received feedback from my dealer that – according to SONY – the panel coating on the GTZ380 is completely different from that on all other models. A loss of contrast should not occur.
Nevertheless, I have made an appointment for the "control measurement" or post-calibration for February 2023.
I'm curious to see how the contrast values have developed over the 2-year term.
I will report.
I would love to know the February 2023 contrast measurements- Thanks !
Selbiger schreibt nun im AVS:
"Firstly, with all other Sony laser projectors the contrast drops when the laser level is reduced... I am pleased to report that this does NOT happen with the Sony GTZ380 with respect to the vast majority of the laser level output setting! The contrast does drop however this only occurs when the laser level setting is reduced below 10, wherein there is a circa 30% drop in contrast. However with respect to laser level 10 - 100 the contrast performance is essentially the same.
Secondly, with all other Sony laser projectors the native ON/OFF contrast measurement drops significantly when a single-white-pixel-against-full-field-black test pattern is used instead of a full field black, due to there being partial shutting off of the light engine in response to a full field black. However for the first time this is NOT the case with the Sony GTZ380! The contrast measurement is exactly the same irrespective of whether a full field black or single-white-pixel-against-full-field-black test pattern is used. Hence there is no partial shutting off of the light engine in response to a full field black and hence native ON/OFF contrast measurements using a full field black are the true performance!
The native ON/OFF contrast of the Sony GTZ380 is measuring 17,560:1 - 18,167:1 depending on the laser level setting with respect to the laser level setting range 10 - 100.
With the laser level set to Minimum the native ON/OFF Contrast drops to 12,669:1"Hat jemand die Ein / Aus-Kontrastmessung mit einem einzelnen weißen Pixel gegenüber einem schwarzen Vollfeld-Testmuster bestätigt?
Andy : Thank you, this review is excellent. It's as much informative without the self-promotion as is done at AVSforum. I can't help but wonder what Dynablack could do for the Christies. Sincerely yours, Lon (LJG)
I am sorry all. I am a video enthusist from AVSforum (LJG), German is not my first language. I will therefore not post anymore. I will be just reading therefore. Thank you and be well all.
This looks like fantastic projector. Andy are you optimistic that you can increase beyond 9300, if so do you think you can get in the 15K range